Floor Hoists
Floor Hoist / Standing Hoist : Giving You Ease of Movement Quickly and Safely
Our range of floor hoists and standing hoists are more than just a tool to move and handle patients - they ensure quick and easy transfers, with maximum comfort.
With state-of-the-art hand controls and premium quality engineering, the LiftAbility range of floor hoist and standing hoist is an essential item for both patients and carers.
Manual patient handling and transfers have the potential to cause strain and injury for both patients and carers. The use of floor hoists and standing hoists can reduce the risks associated with manual transfers, and ensure a safe and seamless experience.
This not only reduces the risk of injury but also decreases downtime and ensures the health and wellbeing of the patient and carer are paramount.
Our premium quality patient handling floor hoists and standing hoists work with the addition of a sling, offering maximum support for the individual while a carer operates the hoist - enabling them to lift and move the patient efficiently and safely.
LiftAbility offers a range of floor hoists / standing hoists in Australia that are suitable in a variety of care environments, including aged care, hospitals, in-home care, SDA’s and more.
5 products